Table of Contents


VSS is a hobby project developed in Delphi and C++.

Check this list of tools used in development.



Code contributors


Wiki Contributors

Hall of Fame
Position Name No of edits
1 toff 205
2 nathbot 23
3 tonchan 17
4 viswhat 4
5 katar 3
6 spirit 3

Getting sources

To get the sources of VSS, we're going to use the TortoiseSVN program. It's an easy to use SVN client that integrates with Windows Explorer.
So, first download and install TortoiseSVN.
Then create a new folder called VisualSubSync.
Right click on that folder and choose TortoiseSVN>Checkout.
A dialog should open. In the “URL of the repository” field, enter:
Finally, confirm with the OK button.


Delphi installation

Download and install Delphi 7 Personal.
You will need to register at CodeGear to get your license information:

Components installation

I usually put components in the Delphi folder. For example, in: C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Compo\

Virtual Treeview

Download and install the Virtual Treeview component by using the installer:

TntUnicode components

Uncompress the provided TntUnicode components: TntUnicode Controls 2.3.0 for Delphi 7 Personal
For example, in: C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Compo\TntUnicodeControls

Now, we need to configure Delphi for TntUnicode components .
Start Delphi and choose File>Open Project… and open the file C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Compo\TntUnicodeControls\Delphi\d7\TntUnicode_7.bpg
In the Project Manager window, right click on TntUnicodeVcl_R70.bpl and choose Compile.
Then right click on TntUnicodeVcl_D70.bpl and choose Compile then Install.

Delphi Project Manager

Close the project with File>Close all.
In Tools>Environment Options>Library, add $(Delphi)\Compo\TntUnicodeControls\Source to the Library path.

Delphi Environment Option

Delphi Library Path

VSS compilation

Finally, open the project VisualSubSync.dpr and choose Project>Build all projects.
That's it. You should now have the file VisualSubSync.exe in the Release directory.

To start VSS from there, you need to add a few DLLs: